WHAT IF I COULD TEACH YOU Everything I know and all the steps i took to MAKE MORE THAN $100K / YEAR WITH STREET FOOD VENDING... In a book you can download right now??
WHAT IF I COULD TEACH YOU Everything I know and all the steps i took to MAKE MORE THAN $100K / YEAR WITH STREET FOOD VENDING... In a book you can download right now??
  • 100% Recession Proof
  • Fast To Start
  • Dirt Cheap Start Up Costs
  • Very, Very High Paying
  • Be Your Own Boss Flexible Hours (Work When YOU Want)
  • It’s Portable (Move When YOU Want)
  • Scalable (Grow As Big As YOU Want)
  • Easy To Sell When You’re Ready To Move On
...Vending Expert Ben Wilson Reveals the Step By Step
proven plan that took him from bankruptcy to $100K+
in just 1 year, With A Hot Dog Cart!
  a thriving Business
with a brilliant future
More Money And
Financial Freedom
More time for you
and your family
Meet Matt From Bow Ties & Hot Dogs...
The #1 Most Sold Vendor Course Book
  • Ben Wilson Hot Dogs Saved My Life

    Page #1 - Why in the world, would I put the last chapter of this course right here at the front? Easy. The final chapter of any book is usually the best, and I want us to start on the right foot. So, I’m putting my best foot – er – chapter forward.

    Page #2 - How much can I really make? Are others really making it big? What makes this such a great business? Can I really do this? Others make this sound so easy, is it? You’re probably just real lucky and I’m not.

    Page #3 - By the way, instead of typing out ‘hot dog vendor’ or ‘vending’ all the time, I will use an acronym. A secret acronym to prevent carpal tunnel for me, and carpal eyeball for you. The secret acronym is “HDV.” OK. Got it? Good.

    Page #4 - The HDV business can be a lifesaver; it can be what brings you from the brink of financial disaster or from 11 financial ruin to success, giving you independence and propelling you to bigger and better things. Similar to being a food server, your income is cash.
    In our business not so much in tips, but definitely cash.

    Page #5 - Most food servers make much more than they report, and the same goes for HDVs. So, I am going to give you real numbers. HDVs incomes are relative. Relative to where they work, how often they work and their individual skills. Because I talk to vendors daily, and because I am a vendor, I can offer you an accurate average.

    Page #6 - Full time vendors working lunch shifts are averaging $50,000 annually. Some are making less and some are making more. I know vendors making well over $100,000 a year from one cart. But, to make this easier, you know your ability, your drive, and your personality.

    Page #7 - You know if you are happy with the spot making $200 a day, or if $600 is more like it, and so you continue looking for that perfect spot. Later, I will break down all the costs. But, for now, I am going to use the average cost and this includes all costs: the food, condiments, napkins, propane, ice, etc., etc., etc...

    ...Get Book to keep reading...

    You've invested your hard-earned dollars to get this information; now let’s get it inside that big brain of yours. I wrote this all for you, not anyone else, and I will be here to help as you get going.


    Ben Wilson Hot Dogs Saved My Life

"I've read the book twice now and it's packed full of useful info." 
Rob Schmalle - Monroe WA
Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Given...
  • How much can I really make? - pg. 22
  • Are others really making it big? - pg. 13
  • Is this easy? Is it hard? - pg. 10
  • The rule of 32% - pg. 11
  • Step by step - busting the learning curve - pg. 23
  • Anal retentive, narcissistic HDIs - pg. 28
  • Your health inspector may have just made that up! - pg. 29
  • NSF!!! Why they don't really matter - pg. 28
  • Finding the right cart - ch. 4
  • Commercial kitchens are your new commissary - pg. 43
  • The perfect script - pg. 44
  • How to find a good deal on a used vending cart - ch. 4
  • Why a beat up, used cart isn't such a bad deal - ch. 4
  • Taxes oh my! - pg. 47
  • Licensing oh my! - ch. 6
  • What foods can I offer? - ch. 3
  • Sinks - how many, why, how big? - ch. 7
  • I've got a cart - NOW WHAT? - ch. 8
  • All about locations - pg. 58
  • Event cost $4000 but netted over $25,000 - pg. 62
  • What about Lowes® and Home Depot® - ch. 8
  • Why catering may be just what the doctor ordered - pg. 69
  • Choosing the best menu and most profitable items - ch. 10
  • Breakdown of every single item per serving - pg. 77
  • Why a yellow pad can be your biggest profit maker - pg. 80
  • Insurance tips and advice - pg. 12
  • Food Safety - pg. 13
  • Prep list for the pro vendors - pg. 91
  • Check it all first list - pg. 93
  • The basics that will avoid learning curves - ch. 15
  • How a tip jar can net you an extra $1000 each month - pg. 96
  • Expanding from one cart to 21 carts! - pg. 101
  • Leasing carts to others - pg. 107
  • Steam pans, sizes, shapes and how they work - ch. 17
  • Steam, Boil or Grill? - ch. 18
  • My biggest tips and tricks - ch. 19
  • The best places to buy signs, equipment and everything else - ch. 20
  • Customer loyalty - pg. 132
  • Working events - pg. 127
How Much Do Vendors Make?...
"This is a must read. It is the most complete book about starting out a hotdog cart business. This man was instrumental in my business and decisions. He is the true guru in the hotdog business" - Andrew - MD
it benefited thousands already...
"The information in this book is priceless. I can't believe I'm excited about hot dogs! My friends all think I'm nuts - but I'd be nuts not to give it a try! "- Christy Fairchild
What People Are Saying On... 
There Is No Catch!  No Gimmicks!
I know there are lots of websites with courses and info on Street Food Vending, but if you've looked around, you know there is only one that has over 800 articles and 300 videos for folks getting started in street food vending...mine. 

There are NO tricks here

 - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...


  • Its my way of giving back;
  • Because (unlike other "guru's") I've done it, heck, I still do it (mostly charity events though) - but regardless, hot dogs / street food vending saved my life;
  • I get this course eBook into your hands, I know you'll love it, I know like thousands of others who've paid $30 for it, you'll come back, you might just even buy a cart from me or some other supplies at a huge savings;
  • And...I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. My ego is fed from folks like you who go on to make over $100,000 annually in the street vending business - those that become street food pros and then come back and tell me. It does my heart good and it's my little way of sharing the knowledge, leaving my ripple in history.  
Here's What To Do Next
Like I mentioned before, thousands of others paid $30 for it.

But I want to give back to others, as a way of thanking all the success I've been having all these years!

So, I've decided that to make it easier for people to get it, this means 2 things...

   A - Make it downloadable, on Digital (eBook) format and...

   B - Make it easier to buy even for those in financial difficulties...

Digital Version
Only $11.95!!
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DISCOUNT COUPON: Ben wants to help!

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Oh, and in case you're wondering... 

Time Is Of The Essence ...
Here's why...

We've decided to release only 1,500 copies of this eBook, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.
 This Is Truly A Limited Offer,
So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone...
 This Is Truly A Limited Offer,
So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone...
You're getting a best-seller!

"Hot Dogs Saved My Life" is by far the most comprehensive training on starting your own street food vending business" (that used to retail at $29.95).

Yes, this eBook will only cost you $11.95 and you'll be able to download it right away.

There's not catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.
And...Let me get any "worries"
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And...Let me get any "worries" out of the way...

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Sound fair?
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Special Digital Edition
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Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Ben "I Want You To Succeed" Wilson
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

You're getting a best-seller!

"Hot Dogs Saved My Life" is by far the most comprehensive training on growing your own street food vending business" (that used to retail at $29.95).

Yes, this eBook will only cost you $11.95 and you'll be able to download it right away.

So, Click the button below to get your copy now. You won't regret it.
Click to get your copy now...
Special Digital Edition
Limited Offer - One-Time $11.95
Special Digital Edition
Limited Offer - One-Time $11.95
DISCOUNT COUPON: Ben wants to help!
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And Get 20% OFF (Pay Only $9.50)!
DISCOUNT COUPON: Ben wants to help!

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