David Vallot has offered his secret recipe with videos. David participated in the recent “best hot dog” competition on our Facebook Page. Even though his entries would not allow us to click the “like” button, David has provided videos of his creation. Now what a great guy. He didn’t win the competition, but still decided […]
Armadillo, Eagle and Manatee Hot Dogs?
Thanks Mr. Jason B. for the list of exotic suppliers. Calm down! I’m just kidding. Someone did ask me once, what elk tasted like and I said; “just like bald eagle.” You should of seen their mouth drop open. Of course I’d never suggest eating, killing or harming any of our endangered species, but […]
Earn Points and Win S&!#
Every week a winner! Before you go all Chuck Norris on my butt for using a little profanity, take a deep breath and remember, you hear worse on tv and radio, it’s just a word used for impact and holds no power over you. As my papaw used to say: Eat the meat and throw […]
Hot Dog Vendor Radio Presents – The HotDogMan
Hot Dog! This is going to be an exciting show. Mr. Rob will be joining us live Tuesday the 21st of February. Rob was a successful vendor for 6 years and after some health issues had to put it on hold. He went back to school to become a teacher and obtain a […]
This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Hot Dog
Hot Dog Vendors Serving $5.00 Hot Dogs Changes are a brewin’ amongst many hot dog vendors. BensCarts.com has received photos and stories of vendors taking their business up a notch. I can say that I’ve never created anything on my cart so dang pretty as these, but I just may have to try one […]