When you’re starting a business, whether it’s a hot dog cart, catering company, or whatever, some things can be intimidating. I get a lot of questions from mobile food vendors about what kind of business entity they should set up. I’m not a lawyer, so don’t take my word for legal advice, but I can […]
What’s the Right Hot Dog Cart?
One of my all-time, every year, top questions from hot dog vendors is “which cart should I get?” So I’m going to talk about it again, because I want to help you make the best decision. Before you even think about buying a hot dog cart or catering trailer, there are some things you have […]
Getting What You Want Out of Life?
Hey, folks. Sometimes I hear stories from hot dog vendors or street food vendors who are having trouble in business or in life. You’ve probably heard my story about how I got started in hot dog vending (if you haven’t, you can read about it here). And I know this business isn’t for everybody, but […]
Does Your Appearance Affect Your Business?
The quick answer is YES. Some people might think this is a no-brainer, but others may not have given much thought to it. How to Succeed as a Street Food Vendor In this video, I talk about how you represent yourself as a business person. It may not seem politically-correct, but it’s true. How you […]
Ben Educates California Health Inspector
What do you do when your local health inspector says you need something expensive and unnecessary? This happens frequently for hot dog carts and mobile food vendors, and I have some thoughts on the subject. How to Explain Things Nicely When Health Inspector is Wrong This case is from a vendor in California, but the […]