After 5 years, he now has moved into a permanent location and his customers love it. Lynch started his hot dog business with one cart about five years ago. People kept asking where his place was, now he has one. Others offer the 7 tray hot dog sled for $50 plus – but I […]
hot dog carts
Ambition Must Be His Middle Name
For those whom have caught the bug of becoming a hot dog vendor – you know that unquenchable thirst to get up and running quickly. Often there seems no time to do all the due-diligence required, for we want immediate gratification. Get up and running and start making money. BUT then there are those whom […]
Business Degree = Successful Vendor
Of course I’m not saying you need a business degree to be a success (but it can’t hurt), heck look at me. I spent a full half of a semester in college and I can run a hot dog cart with the best of them. This vendor found his calling and wow, look at that […]
Used 2011 Hot dog cart for sale
Jim has been so successful with his 2011 hot dog cart he must upgrade now. He’s joining the big boys with a new enclosed concession trailer. His success is your gain. 2011 Ventura Pro Manufactured by DreamMaker If you don’t know who that is, they are one of the best manufacturers on the planet. […]
Who’s faster than Kyle Busch?
A hot dog vendor in Charlotte, that’s who. Knowing that Kyle Busch the Nascar driver would be appearing in court to answer for a ticket he received for doing 128mph in a 45mph zone, he set up his hot dog cart to serve the crowds. I say brilliant. Above is his sign with the 128 mph […]