That’s right Ben’s Carts is giving away a brand new hot dog cart. No catches, no gimmicks! To register go: REGISTRATION CLOSED Winner gets to choose from a Cash Cow or Lil’ Dog Cart. You will receive an email later with details once you register to WIN! Also check out: Hot Dogs Saved My Life […]
hot dog carts
Where Is The Best Place To Buy Soda For Hot Dog Cart Business?
I get asked often where I get my sodas. I use Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Water and sometimes Root Beer. Here in TN, I have to offer Mountain Dew also. It’s a staple here. You can find good deals at Sam’s Club or Costco, but they are never really a super duper bargain. I watch […]
Giving back pays huge dividends!
If you have watched my videos, you know I talk about teaming up with a charity and how this can get you in to places that you normally couldn’t consider. Well this morning, one of my past customers called to order more carts. She had just come from a meeting with the county commissioners and […]
Take credit cards EZ! This has won several innovative idea awards.
This is incredible. Very easy to set up, no equipment to buy. What a deal! Have you ever needed to accept payment from someone on the go. This will do the trick, no fancy account setups. It’s PayPal for nice people. Just kidding, but really, I don’t like PayPal. Let me know […]
And you thought we were closed for the holidays! Ha
Rob sent me the post! I had to share, featuring BensCarts: Big Dog! Click Here to see it.