I don’t know how to thank you but this is freak’n AWESOME!!! What’s that your holding there Mr. WienerMobile Man? “Hot Dogs Saved My Life – the course book and a BensCarts logo! Woooooo hoooooo! Thank you to: Whacked out Waffles Do me a favor folks, go over and “like” Whacked out Waffles on Facebook. […]
hot dog carts
Can NSF Really Certify A Hot Dog Cart?
NO. NSF can’t really certify a hot dog cart. That’s what I say – of course I’m just a lowly hot dog slinger. (please read and let me know what you think below) Who is NSF? NSF International is a private company stating; “NSF International is dedicated to being the leading global provider of public health and […]
If Their Lips Are Moving – They’re Probably Lying
Health department people sometimes give out bad information about hot dog cart, street food, or catering business requirements. I hear from people every week about “officials” who told them about some crazy laws that make no sense. Here are some examples of stupid health department “requirements” and what to do when you hear something that […]
The Hot Dog Vending Season
There is a 100% chance of weather tomorrow. I have always said a better name for a meteorologist is; LIAR! “Now here’s Liar Bob with the weather forecast.” I’m teasing, but even with all the data, the science is still not very accurate and remains unpredictable. “Ben, I was waiting to get my tax money […]
Win a Free Hot Dog Cart!
We are doing it again! That’s right, you can win a brand new hot dog cart from HotDogCartStore.com!!! Last years winner was Fila McFadalittle, from the Cleveland McFadalittles’. She won the Build Your Cart cart we did for the video training series. This picture is of the 2011 model and the new Cash Cow […]