Thanks To Robert Thomason Robert is no stranger to the vending business but he is fairly new to hot dog vending. Fortunately those skills learned from years of vending carried over and have given him a huge head start. Right out of the gates Robert booked a gig at a local bar where the popular […]
hot dog carts
1 On 1 Training for Vendors – Now Open!
We did it! Finally! The list is up and active. Simply click link in the menu bar above and check out the vendors that have offered their expertise in helping you get started.
Don’t Ya Love Cleaning Pans?
Me Neither!!! The following video will save you some reading and help you during the clean up phase of your day. Possibly saving you a lot of time and trouble. Ready to buy some pan liners? NEWS, USED CART AND MORE BELOW… And now for those promised links and other info… You’ve seen them, those […]
The Great Hot Dog Cart Giveaway!
We are getting close! The final video edits are being done, the parts list is being typed and the complete “Build Your Hot Dog Cart” will be released very soon. This has definitely been a labor of love. Two hillbillies attempting to make a film. Keith and I have worked hard on this video course […]
Hot Dogs and a Free Hot Dog Cart
This just in… Remember the recent post about how hot dogs can reduce cancer risk and then the info about hot dogs causing cancer. MAKE UP YOUR FREAK’N MIND! Well turns out, the culprit for the defamation of the dog was one guy with some money to spend on a billboard. The Daily Show […]