Bill McConnell wrote me…
My name is Bill McConnell.
I purchased your book, “Hot Dogs saved my life” then came the used cart from Craigs List and what seemed like a ton or forms and paperwork from the state of Florida. Everything was going well until my plans for a commissary fell apart. The restaurant that promised to help had to shut down due to the economy, then the church agreed but here in Florida they do not qualify to serve as a commissary, Same story for the VFW's. I was just plain out of anyplace to go. Dream Makers carts was a possibility but they are almost two hours away and Florida dept of health say no more the 30 mins to travel to your commissary. BUT I finally found an answer. Did you know that SAMS CLUBS will sign off on being a commissary?
I spoke with them and they could not have been more cooperative.
There is NO CHARGE.You may want to share this with anyone who has been beat up over the need for a commissary.
Thanks again for writing your book and of course the weekly radio show.
You are welcome Bill, but thank you! What great advice and I'm sure there are some vendors that could use a break like this. I get calls every week from vendors trying to find a commissary. It can be hard, but maybe your SamsClub can help.
Hot Dog Cart For Sale – It's the cat's meow… (for sale too!)
If you are anywhere near Arkansas, this is a nice set up, a ready made business. Here's the listing info.
I'm selling my hot dog cart business and listing it here on YouTube instead of the overpriced and under read local paper.
Here's what you get and what it originally cost me:
Diamond Dog Hot Dog Business price sheet
Item: What I paid:
“Big Dog” hot dog cart w/top grill, double full size steam table w/pans, custom graphics & rear table cloth vinyl wrap………………………………………………………………….
(Street legal & towable w/removable tow bar)
Bumper hitch & tow ball………………………………………………….$30.00
80lb/day Food service grade ice maker………………………………$1,425.00 + $200 shipping
“Hot Dog” umbrella w/carry case (also pivots)…… …………………..$150.00
New RED umbrella (2 pc.)…………………………………………….$60.00
Extra wide beach umbrella, carry case, & cast iron base…………$60.00
2-Standard Propane tanks…………………………………………….$50.00
4- chip clips (each holds 24 bags of chips or other items)…………$48.00
“Dog Sled” prep tray……………………………………………………$25.00
2- Grill Griddles: Heavy duty stainless steel…………………………$100.00
2 extra sets of cooking/condiment pans (THREE sets total)………$250.00
1 extra spillage pan and divider………………………………………$35.00
Heavy duty Marine battery for sink water pump……………………$100.00
Extra Utensils & napkin dispenser/xtra napkins……………………$175.00
6 Food service bulk containers……………………………………….$36.00
Coleman 80qt Drink cooler (blue)……………………………………$60.00
Stainless Steel, foot operated trash can……………………………$55.00
Small Microwave………………………………………………………$75.00
Stand alone FREEZER for frozen hot dogs (or other product)……$200.00
3'x5′ Custom banner…………………………………………………$150.00
Custom hats, mustard yellow aprons, golf shirts, T-shirts…………$250.00
Rubbermaid storage (multiple blue & clear containers)…………$75.00
TOTAL ORGINALLY PAID OVER: $7,109.00 for all items listed above
Asking: $6,000.00 for whole business!! You save $1,109.00 that I didn't!!!
Be your own boss, set your own hours with a recession proof business.
EVERYONE has to eat! Buy a business that will fill a need EVERY human has!
Even if you don't need a cart right now, share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit using the social icons above. now has spillage pans, steam pans and more, click the image below to see more.

Chat with who? Chat with you…
It has been requested that I post up some dates that we could all chat over on the MFVA site. And this is me doing as I'm told. Days and times can change, but for now, the powers that be wanted to put two different times out there and ask us all to join them if we aren't slinging dogs. Basically, an un-official scheduled meet up time twice a week to shoot the breeze, chat with other vendors, help each other, etc…
Wednesday 8:AM (You westerners are going to probably miss that one)
Sunday 5:PM
All times are Eastern Standard Time. So you CST folks, just subtract an hour. You PST and MST vendors, it's 3 hours for you. You want to be different Arizona-ites, I have no clue, part of the year it would be 2 hours different and part of the year, 3 hours. I think currently it's 3 hours behind us Easterners. If you live in another country, check out this handy little site.
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DONE FOR YOU!! - I'm excited about it after years of folks requesting it. It's 100% free for you. I go live on YouTube a lot. And some want to be notified moments before I do. If you do... then get on the list here...[Ben's going LIVE list]
MY COURSE BOOK - Everything you need to know about getting started, my journey, my secrets...all the goodies that changed my life, and how it was done -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]