I'm not as think as you drunk I am. And yes your corn just got a whole lot cooler. Read carefully as these directions are detailed and complex. Take a deep breath, are you ready?
1. Grab a cooler and clean it out real good. This means old fish scales and that old half eaten sandwich
2. Fill cooler with shucked ears of corn
3. Boil 2 or 3 kettles of water
4. Pour hot water over ears of corn
5. Shut the damn lid
The magic begins
David Copperfield can eat my socks. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite alcoholic beverage and have a sit down. Believe it or Not! As you sit back all relaxed enjoying some of the finest spirits on earth out of that PBR can there is magic happening.
Not your ordinary black or white magic either. This double dog dare ya crazy magic. Not only is your cooler now a cooker but it's actually cooking your corn. With only a cooler – what was once meant to keep your beer cold is now filled with 48 ears of corn and 2 gallons of hot boiling water.
30 minutes or if you use a beer timer, 5 beers later – wa la – abra – kk – dabora – maleke sheeky shaky – YOU HAVE CORN ON THE COB!
Roll it around in some semi-melted real cow's milk ‘Merican butter add some salt and pepper and go to town.
Tip #1 2 Quarts of water per dozen ears of corn (average)
Tip #2 When done cooking (about 30 minutes) pull the drain plug and keep the lid closed. (stays hot for about 2 hours)
Awesome Tom
A big thanks to awesome Tom for writing in and sharing this cooler corn with us. I love it.
From A Cart?
Well of course, you could heat the water, fill the cooler and offer corn on the cob as a side item or a meal. How many people would buy a fresh ear of corn, ready to eat along with their hot dog? I will be trying this soon and will post some pics of my magic trick.
Who's With Me?
First vendor to try this at their cart, provide pictures of the setup at their location gets a special prize! Email your picture(s) to
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