Elaine (short “prior Lemonade business” backstory)
Single mom. 2 kids.
Working at a bank.
Lots of month left – after money.
Loves hot dogs.*
Hates her job.
Never sold nothing.
Wears big girl panties.
(her words)
Drives part time for Uber/Lyft
Grew up and lives in S.FL.
“…and so I put my big girl panties
on and said ‘I'm doing this!”
She watched a video on Youtube
of me and Ken Packer and his
lemonade business.
Then she grabbed my get started quick

Then she got her supplies…
and she had her first day
Saturday Feb. 29th.
(this past Saturday)
“I spent just under $400 for everything
but then Sunday had to get more
lemons and sugar, another water jug
and 3 more new blank plastic sign boards.”
“Saturday was unbelievable Ben! But Sunday
even better!”
She made just over $2100 in two days selling lemonade.
“I sold a 16oz for $4.00 and my big
one for $7.00″
She setup in a Flea Market.
“I wasn't even mad about
being tired for work today
after this awesome weekend.”
Then… today!
Today – she ordered this…

…with some of her profits from this
past weekend.
(and now available for layaway)
- see bottom
She did her lemonade business exactly how I teach…
- she started with the bare minimum
- went out and did it
- she put up signs
- then let the basic setup pay
for the brand new Zero 9.
And I get to interview her.
(stay tuned)
Then… drum roll….
This weekend – she adds fresh
strawberries and maybe blueberries.
(if she can find fresh ones)

What are you waiting on? For?
Just start on a budget and let's get
Then You could be my next interview.
Lemonade Vending is a real solution
to all that ails your bank account.
And I have proof – GALORE!
Just 300 lemons makes you
$2100 (gross profit)
Net profit $1800.00
Or like Elaine… she took
out her entire costs to start
from her earnings on her first

- but figured you could use this news
And it serves two parts:
- Positivity
- A gentle nudge for you
*and made that part up – but who doesn't
love hot dogs
(that part about her loving hot dogs)
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HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're in...no matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]