They were so excited. Their first event. After being warned that if the event organizer's lips are moving – they ARE lying – they asked all the right questions and still – the first event with their hot dog cart was a flop.
Failure or…
We did absolutely horrible in sales but damn did we have a good time!

3 Questions For Event Coordinator
1. How many ppl on average attended the prior years events? 4000-5000 – We wouldn't know if that was correct because of where we were at. Pretty much away from the entire event. We didn't even get to see the Grinch! And there were suppose to be 2 of them walking around. There was live music, a beauty pageant, and a projection movie of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” but again we couldn't tell you were because we couldn't see or even hear any of it because of where we were. In one of the photos you can see we were about 100ft from some of the port-a-potties.
2. How many other FOOD vendors will be there? 24 TOTAL vendors- There were AT LEAST 30 food vendors alone, as well as, all the restaurants on all the roads where the event was taking place.
3. How many other Hotdog and sausage vendors will be there? NONE – There were 9 other Hotdog and Sausage vendors and SOO many other vendors selling hotdogs and sausage in addition to their menu.

We had SOUR vendors on both sides of us and neither of them were even selling lemonade! So upset about our shitty location from the minute we got there. One vendor telling us they've been doing this for 15yrs and events aren't worth it, but they did give us a few good leads to other events that are wanting “young blood”.

We even had “trolls” scouting our customers in line saying other vendors down the way had even cheaper dogs! Oh, man was I so hot headed about that! I just hollered, ” But Our's taste better! Quality over quantity!” and went about serving the other customers.
What We Learned

We really did learn a lot. And even with out shitty location, shitty neighbor vendors, and shitty trolls taking our customers, we had the best time! All of our customers seemed to love our food. Even had a few people come back twice! We can't wait for the next event, which is much smaller, on the 15th!
We had to email you with our news as VU members are really our only supporters. I attached some of our photos in case you want to give us some feed back. We are not scared of criticism. Always looking for ways to improve. We can't wait for Monday night to hear everyone else's great news, trials, and tribulations!
Thank you for all of your support and can do attitude! This dream really wouldn't have been made possible without you!

I absolutely admire the time and effort that went into making such a great professional setup. Probably one of the best I've ever seen for brand new vendors.
- Order here sign
- Pick up here sign
(These signs avoid folks walking up and standing where people are waiting on their food and missing out on ordering or growing impatient. It also helps the vendor recognize who's needing help now.) - 100% Mobile Vendor – says a lot! It puts ideas in folks minds about having them vend at their company party, their home, their event.
- The t-shirts with logos
- The big bold menu and pricing
- The flashing lights
- The clean setup
- The holiday paraphernalia
Great Job!
You can't completely protect yourself from bad events. There are some things – completely out of your control…
– weather
– really good liars
– low turnouts
Want to connect with 400 of the best vendors in the world? I'm talking vendors that help each other and are available 24/7 – 365!
Event organizers for the most part are like the stereotypical used car salesmen. You know the ones. They'll say anything for the sale. Most have one MAIN GOAL – lots of income off your work!
Event organizers lie because they want nothing more than a successful event (at whatever cost) to those who actually do the work to entertain and feed the people.
Event organizers lie because they think by having more selection and multiples of the same that more people will be attracted. They think only in the moment, for the now. They don't think about the lack of vendors and the quality of vendors who will come next year. Their little pee-brains can't see past tomorrow and filling their wallets.
Event organizers are not all the same, but because I've had the pleasure of knowing and speaking with thousands and thousands of vendors – I know for the most part (like 99.9%) – that all event organizers lie.
Read what to avoid and how to protect yourself here.
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HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
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