Unless you have some warm clothes and maybe even a torpedo heater – winters can limit your street vending.
Now don't be a sissy, I know vendors that brave the snow, ice and blowing arctic winds in order to bring their customers a hot meal. Sure, they dress warm, they have torpedo (blow) heaters and some even build temporary shelters with the aide of pop up tents or wind screens. Me personally, once it drops below freezing, I'm done. But those days aren't many in TN. You true northerners experience longer and colder winters.

Some desire a sheltered cart, a concession van, truck, mobile vehicle type concession stand. Those have their drawbacks as well, like more requirements to operate and less places available to set up. You can't just pull up to the county courthouse and begin serving. Like hot dog carts or push carts, most cities limit where you can set up, but to set up a big concession stand, the options are fewer. One of the biggest drawbacks is that they are expensive, not kinda expensive, real freaking expensive. A cheap one with the bare necessities can run $8,000 and up. I have seen them as high as $100,000.
The benefits are many though, you can serve anything your heart desires because you are a commercial kitchen, only difference between yours and the one in a brick and mortar restaurant is that yours has a motor and is on wheels. You are also weather proof, however, if you don't want to be in the harsh weather, your customers probably don't either.
My reason for all that is that there is a company that will rent you a loaded up, decked out concession truck. They claim to serve the U.S. market so I assume anywhere goes. With prices starting at $3,000 a month you could be a restaurant on wheels.
Yes, $3,000 is a lot of money, but can you imagine being able to try before you buy so to speak. It's still less than that $100,000. What if you were able to do one big event every month? I know doggers that can do $500 to $6,000 at a one day event with a Big Dog Cart.
Ok, I'm certainly not here to talk you into a concession truck, but for those that are already leaning that way, this may be a great way to get started.
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