Jim has been so successful with his 2011 hot dog cart he must upgrade now. He’s joining the big boys with a new enclosed concession trailer. His success is your gain. 2011 Ventura Pro Manufactured by DreamMaker If you don’t know who that is, they are one of the best manufacturers on the planet. […]
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Who’s faster than Kyle Busch?
A hot dog vendor in Charlotte, that’s who. Knowing that Kyle Busch the Nascar driver would be appearing in court to answer for a ticket he received for doing 128mph in a 45mph zone, he set up his hot dog cart to serve the crowds. I say brilliant. Above is his sign with the 128 mph […]
Hot Dog Flavored Chips? WTF!
Leave it to 7-Eleven to come up with this one. Hot dog flavored chips. So when are we going to get some potato chip flavored hot dogs? Or hell, let’s do Coke flavored hot dogs and potato chip flavored soda, now that’s full circle. Read about it here.
Vendors Welcome in Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga property management sees the potential of street vendors and invites them all. Most outstanding is this isn’t your industrial, run-down area – Warehouse Row is the Mecca for Noogan’s searching for fine dining, exclusive shops and an overall upscale experience. Their first attempt in attracting street vendors was a huge success. “There were lines […]
You’ve heard of Square Up – but GoPayment?
Competition keeps a capitalistic market in check. One company whom dominates a sector of consumables can become greedy and may even discontinue fair customer service practices. Square Up hit the market with a storm as a method for accepting credit card payments with some smart phones. Now Intuit has joined in to offer the service. I’ve […]