I’m often asked where to get this and where to get that, well the deals are ever changing but currently these are the latest finds. If you find a better deal, please comment below and let us all in on it. Rest assured I have scoured the web and have tried to find the bestest deals […]
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73 Year Old Vendors – 1st Event
It was back in May when Mr. Tom Fanella decided to get into the hot dog vending business. That was the easy part, the hard part would be to convince his wife that this was their light at the end of a dark tunnel. Tom enlisted the salesmanship from their son, Tim, to help convince […]
Chris and Amy Jenkins in the News
Baseball, hot dogs, frito pies and Cheverolet… Isn’t that how it goes? Well for Chris and Amy Jenkins it is, at least the hot dogs and frito pies part. These two cartpreneurs are on the ball and before a lost job they had already begun this magnificent enterprise. Read their story here. Find […]
Hot Dog Wars – Oscar Mayer and Ball Park Go Head to Head
Back in 2009 Kraft Foods the parent company of Oscar Mayer held a National Taste Test and declared themselves the winner. Touting themselves as the best tasting hot dog. Sara Lee parent company of Ball Park sued stating that their dogs had not been prepared and cooked according to their guidelines and so therefore they […]
Weekly News Roundup!
Each week I will attempt to gather up some news about other vendors, legal issues, rule/code changes and just about anything vendor related. If you have a story or want to share your story, please send me an email. Give praise about a related product, a cart manufacturer, hot dog manufacturer or anything that other […]