After much delay, I have posted two new videos on Youtube. Like a video hit the share button. Have an idea for my next video, email or give me a call.
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Live Training or Brand New Video Training!
Yes, I am excited also. Sabrina Rife with Dogs for Dollars (one of my customers) has just announced her brand new website featuring: Live Training Video Training Live one on one mentoring First I have to tell you a little about Sabrina. She purchased a cart and faced some major challenges. Her city was strict […]
Mini Dog to the rescue
Hold on to your pants, after months and months of searching and finding nothing on the subject, I have found the mother load. Yup, finally, someone has created a mini dog. No longer do you have to beg Oscar M. to bring ’em back, we have them now. Tim MacCourtney has developed a 3″ hot […]
To grill or not to grill – OR: Steam or boil?
How to cook hot dogs might seem like a silly or simple question. But I am asked quite frequently about the various methods of preparing hot dogs. What about grilling dogs? It’s a great question. I think if you could ask 100 different vendors their opinion on grilling, boiling or steaming you would find that […]
Inc. Llc. Sole Proprietor or What?
To avoid legal repercussions from sharing my vast and extensive knowledge of IRS code I shall be general in description and I must admit my “extensive” knowledge just barely gets me to the nearest H&R Block each year. So you have decided to join the ranks of Vendor Extraordinaire and don’t know how to get […]