Now you know what a commissary is, it’s time to find out what you can do to find one or to see if your home kitchen qualifies.
Here is a link to an in-depth article on commissaries. In Saved My Life – 003 I promised to give you a link to an interesting article and story from a gentleman who is challenging the commissary laws in his state. Update: Court rules that the commissary rule is fair and the case is closed.
Important Links Mentioned:
Sample commissary letter you can use or modify to suit your needs. Click Here
Vendor Resources Click Here
Questions and Answers:
Q: Where can I download a copy of a blank commissary letter?
A: Free Commissary Letter View A Letter from Arizona Here
Q: If I make chili at home to serve on the cart, will any one know?
A: Probably not, but the inspector could (highly unlikely) but could ask your commissary place if you have been preparing your foods there. The only time I can imagine that a hd inspector would question your preparations is if they received a complaint about someone getting sick or finding one of your dogs chew toys in their cup of soup.
Q: Do vendors get a commissary but don’t actually use it?
A: Yes, many vendors use their own kitchen.
Q: Seems like building my own commissary would be the simplest, but is it expensive?
A: It can be expensive and it’s not always the easiest. Some vendors do make their own commissary though and love the freedom that provides. (see the next part of this training series for more info on that.
Q: What is the difference between a Bond and a regular Liability Policy?
A: I let the pros explain this one. Click Here
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