Questions about Starting a Mobile Food Cart? Hello, folks! We answered some more questions from hot dog cart vendors and people interested in starting a business today. Some of the things we discussed: Is this a good business for a disabled veteran? How do you get grease stains out of uniforms? Can you help me […]
How To Make Homemade Hot Dogs
Why Would YOU? Well for starters, you’re probably wondering what to do with all that free time on your hands and you said, “hey self, I think I want to find something else to keep me from having to fish.” But seriously… why would you want to know how to make homemade hot dogs? If […]
Hot Dog Vendor Shares Rough Day
It’s Funny in Hindsight… Hey, folks! I love hearing real-life stories from street food vendors. Most of the time, I share success stories. Every now and then, I get a story like this one from Jason, that illustrates some of the “low points” of vending. It’s a part of working outside. Some days, things are […]
Street Food Vending Now Legal in Los Angeles
Great News For Street Vendors in Los Angeles Hi, folks! I just wanted to share a bit of news with you. Until recently, Los Angeles was the only major city in the US that still enforced criminal penalties against street food vendors. The particulars of the LA vendor permitting system have yet to be determined, […]
Collecting Sales Tax – Most Vendors Are Overpaying – Are You?
Overpaying On Your Hot Dog Vendor Sales Taxes? You’re not alone… most vendors do overpay because of this very common mistake. In the video below I’ll help you to never overpay plus offer some tips: Why are there 2 types of tax id’s? The big mistake that’s costing you money How to do it the right way […]