Which name brand should I use on my hot dog cart? Is there a best hot dog brand for vendors? No worries, after this you'll know exactly which brand is the best for vending.

Today I was asked about Nathan's brand hot dogs. The vendor doesn't just want to use Nathan's – he wants to advertise and promote that brand.
I often get asked which brand should I use for my hot dog cart, but some vendors want to actually display the brand they offer. They want to display
Vienna or Sabrett's or Nathan's.
And I get it. [don't like reading – video here]
Usually it's about credibility. The vendor want's instant credibility.
Why do you think Sam's club and Walmart have used a name brand to promote at their deli? NOT because it's the best hot dog brand.
Why do you think Sam's club and Walmart have used a name brand to promote at their deli? NOT because it's the best hot dog brand.
Credibility – however, it's quit possible that Nathan's is the one using the power of Walmart and Sam's Club to promote their brand.
Either way… someone is using it for marketing and credibility.
The vendor says:
“Boy everyone knows exactly what's a good hotdog and what isn't… I kept hearing by 2-1 Nathans Famous a great hotdog.”
What the French's mustard is this?!

You asked?
That's like asking my papaw what tractor is the best. He'll tell you
John Deere, but he ain't never owned one.

You do a taste test. You don't just ask around. I'd be willing to bet
some of those asked never had a Nathans and only said it because it's a common dog in some parts – and their brilliant strategy of calling it Nathan's famous.
Not withstanding – the annual hot dog eating competition that is cool to hear about but painfully disgusting to watch.
Now with that being said. I freak'n love a Nathan's hot dog. They are delicious in my opinion. But…. The best… not a chance. Again… my opinion.
And like buttholes… we all have one.
The vendor I'm speaking of has found that like some other national brands, that they will partner or team with sellers of their product and give them lots of swag and P O P material (which is signs and stuff).
And he wants that stuff.

But he ran into a small issue. He's found US foods and Sysco to have minimum order requirements which are far larger than his business can afford at the moment.
Obviously he can wait a couple weeks and build up his income reserves and then place the larger order – but he wants it now.
I have solutions. But only after a real bonafide taste test with
family and friends and then only if the brand you have your heart
set on – wins this taste test.
One: Search the word broad line distributor on google. Find a local smaller broad line food distributor for your area and order from them. They always have lower order minimums or none at all.
Two: Google local restaurants that advertise Nathan's brand and go talk to them. Explain that you're just getting started and want to see if you can order nathan's through them.
Three: Ask the big distributors, Sysco / US foods if you have the delivery made to another business they serve, can you avoid the minimum requirements. Then simply find a local business who is already getting orders and talk to them.
I know – it may sound daunting but something like this works great.
Howdy, Mr. business owner. I'm Ben, I'm just starting my little hot dog business to support my family and would like to know if you would be willing to allow me to receive my Sysco order here once or twice. I'll be sure to be here when the truck arrives so you won't even have to deal with it. I've already talked to Mr. Salesman at Sysco and he said it'd be okay with them as long as I can find a place to allow me to receive.
Note how I said “little hot dog business” – this is less threatening and doesn't come off as though you could potentially be competition for them.
Alternatively you could say:
Howdy, Mr. business owner. I'm Ben, I'm just starting my little hot dog business to support my family and have talked with the rep at sysco. I can't meet their minimum order requirements yet and they said if I could find someone they already deliver food to – they'd let me order smaller quantities. I'll be sure to be here when the truck arrives so my order doesn't get in your way.
All those – great options – but not the best – in my opinion.
Finally – the best hot dog brand
It's my business, my business name and my delicious foods that I want people to fall in love with. Not some national brand.
I can hear it now. Boy, those Nathan's hot dogs that we got from Hillbilly hot dogs and catering the other day were awesome. Let's go to the grocery store and get us some for lunch.
A friend of mine, we'll call him Mike. But only because that's his name. He sold a name brand hot dog. It was called… hot dog mike hot dogs. Super popular in his area. More popular, I'd bet, than any National brand.

He made the brand his own. He took a brand, jacked it up with his own concoction of seasonings and it became a hot dog mike brand.
Sure, nathan's is good, Boars Head is good, but so is some of the private label brands at your local Sams club or via your broad line distributor.
And if you're seeking name recognition… why not Ball Park or Oscar Mayer – the two largest recognized names in hot dogs. They now make super good hot dogs that would rival the most expensive brands.
Again – I ask… who are you marketing for? Yourself or some national brand.
If you use a national brand, there is nothing saying you must say… what brand it is. You can add some garlic in the water, throw in some beer and now it's your brand.
And as far as swag and cool signs go… you can have those done for cheap – but with your own brand name. (company name hot dogs).
I see these vendors with Sabrett umbrellas and Veinna signs all because they were able to score free swag. But to me, it's going backwards. You're promoting someone else's business.
Be your own brand. Market for yourself and your company. Your customers will seek you out because after-all… you can't get no Hot Dog Mike hot dog at Walmart.
Now before you run off all half cocked… some products you offer should be name brands.
When To Use Name Brands
People love Coke and Pepsi. So I ain't gonna offer the Lisa's choice cola I picked up at Dollar General. Talk about making customers leary of every thing you sell if they see your drinks are some off the wall private label thrift store brand.
Same with chips, use name brands.
Go to a steak house, they'll offer you Coke or Pepsi products along with their own brand of steak. If you ask what brand steak or meats they sell… you won't hear… oh it's Wyoming beef company or oh it's Sysco food distributor brand. You'll hear their name.

I see vendors using off brand condiments too. It's ok if you're using your own condiment bottles, but recently I saw a vendor take out his no name brand generic ketchup at the cart and pour it into his squeeze bottle. Right in front of the customer.
This says to a customer.
I'm willing to sacrifice quality, taste and the experience to save me 30¢ on ketchup. Just imagine what hot dog brand I'm using.
Again… what the French's mustard are ya thinking.
Use name brands for drinks, condiments, buns and everything you display in front of the customer. Including that Dollar General hand sanitizer – spend 55 cent more and display the name brand.
But your hot dogs, those are your brand. Period.

Now if you live in an area where there is a popular drink, like Cheerwine in the Carolina's, then by all means, offer it too. And unless your buns are coming from a local baker, then buy the brand names if your showing them in the bags.
Don't have bags of dollar general brand buns out there that say, 2 for 1 special on them. You'll look cheap and that will be perceived as if everything you've got is some bargain basement deal.
That's all I got for now and I hope to see you build your brand. And remember… some vendors have done well for themselves while promoting some other companies hot dog brand – but imagine had they spent that effort promoting themselves…
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