I want to start but I can't afford a hot dog cart. No fewer than 3 people every week say those words. Good News! There is a way to start, to create your own income and end the pain and agony of working for someone else.
If you're truly unhappy with how things are, then only you; can change it. I'll show you just how easy it is to start your own food vending business and do it WITHOUT a hot dog cart. I'll then show you just how quickly you can afford a hot dog cart.
Afford A Hot Dog Cart
What's so cool about wanting a change and NEEDING a change is that we usually are then willing to do what is necessary to make the change. Suddenly all our limiting ideas that have stunted us previously are removed and we launch forward like a rocket on full throttle.
I will show you EXACTLY how you can afford a hot dog cart or a food truck or whatever you want even if you're nearly broke and have no credit and no way to borrow the money. I'll even share how you can do this all without quitting your current job or taking any risks that could jeopardize your well-being.
The Magic Button
There is no magic button. There is no escaping putting in a little time and effort to get the results you desire. Here are a few of the choice you have and once you find the one that tickles your fancy best, I'll expand on it so that you can implement a plan and path to your success and freedom.
#1 SLOW COOKER – Start with a slow cooker or a portable pan set up at your local flea market, farmers market. Recently Cheryl Fortuna, a Vendors United member started her business with a card table, a couple crock pots and some homemade signs.
[UPDATE: Jennifer and Phoenix in Texas * see below]
3 Weeks later, she purchased a used cart. A month after that (just the other day) she purchased a food trailer. Chef Jose, started with a crock pot at a local flea market. Under the flea market's license he was able to start for $25 and in 3 days had made over $4,000.00.
From a card table and 2 crock pots to a cart. Cheryl Fortuna saw her dream a few weeks ago and started. Have you? …
Posted by HotDogs on Saturday, April 8, 2017
Start With Little To No Money – All Ben's Secrets
#2 CROWD FUNDING – often called crowd sourcing or social funding, it's where you use a page service like GoFundMe.com or Indiegogo.com. This allows you to raise funds (a loan you don't pay back) through the power of social media.
Start with friends and family and if done right, it can go viral. It's not the best way in my opinion due to millions of people use it to raise funds and so it will take much more effort and a fantastic campaign to make it happen. Although many vendors have been successful with it. Here is a direct link to my tips for crowd funding.
#3 COTTAGE INDUSTRY – most states have what is called a “cottage industry act” or some variation thereof. It's a law that encourages shoestring food related home startups through benefits like starting from your home kitchen without all the red tape and licensing requirements. KitchenIncome.com = FREE RESOURCE – START TODAY
Your state most likely has something and you can quickly find out by doing a Google search for “cottage act (your state)”. This is an excellent way to get started without a huge investment.
Fastest Way To Vending With Little To No Money
#4 SHOESTRING BUDGET CARTS – you can buy used and if patient you can find one heck of a deal. I've purchased working carts for as little as a few hundred bucks. And if you're handy or can follow step by step instructions, you can afford a hot dog cart by building your own. You can build a hot dog cart for less than $900.
Faster, Cheaper, Better!
One of the fastest, cheapest, bestest ways to get started right now is doing like Cheryl Fortuna and Chef Jose recently did. (see above) You probably already have all the required cooking appliances to pull this off on the cheap. Do you have a slow cooker? *see below for great alternatives for a easy fast setup
First you've got to find out what's allowed. As in, what's legal in your state. But even then, your health department may not even be aware of opportunities that exist. One vendor called the local health department and they said he'd need this, this and that.
He then called the manager at the flea market who said, you don't need anything except a booth. Because the flea market already had a licensed kitchen, it's renters could serve foods on the premises under that license. So for $25 a vendor can usually rent a booth and serve what they want. Watch the videos here and you'll see.
Over 800 Hot Dogs Without A Cart
Set up a real steam table with these:
- Portable Triple Burner Tabletop Stove – http://amzn.to/2fl8tw9
- Steam Pans (boil, steam or grill) – http://store.benscarts.com/category-s/1840.htm
*Understanding steam pans video - Portable Table – https://goo.gl/KMFYP4
- Napkins, Hot Dog Boats & Supplies – Webstaurantstore.com
- Hot Dogs & Other Foods – Sam's Club or Your grocery store
This course has helped 100's of vendors get started with little to no money. Recently I updated it with more tips and tricks that once were only shared with a few.

After working her way up, getting two carts – Jennifer met some major obstacles. She did the smart thing. She sold the carts – paid her rent up and went back to vending with a fold up table, a pop up canopy and some roaster pans. You can watch her video interview here…
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DONE FOR YOU!! - I'm excited about it after years of folks requesting it. It's 100% free for you. I go live on YouTube a lot. And some want to be notified moments before I do. If you do... then get on the list here...[Ben's going LIVE list]
MY COURSE BOOK - Everything you need to know about getting started, my journey, my secrets...all the goodies that changed my life, and how it was done -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're in...no matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]