What if the Health Department’s Answer Doesn’t Make Sense? Howdy, folks! Street food vendors often have questions about information they receive from local officials. Sometimes, it seems like nobody at the Health Department really knows what to do when a street food vendor applies for a license. Maybe the answer you receive depends on who […]
Health Inspector
117 – BBQ From A Hot Dog Cart
BBQ From A Hot Dog Cart That was just one of the questions we covered in this episode. Although the phones weren’t ringing off the hook due to the Super Bowl, I had several questions come in via email for the show. City only gives temp vending permits HD says I can NOT use a […]
088 – What To Do When The Inspector Asks For Something Crazy
What Are You Going To Do… when your health inspector asks you for sinks big enough to submerge the largest pan, or when they demand you have an NSF cart? I’ve heard some batshit crazy stuff from inspectors that other vendors have shared. Tonight we find out. We find out exactly how to overcome these […]
Selling Hot Dogs Without A License – Say What?
Meet Steve Pruner – Outlaw Hot Dogs Steve is a hot dog vendor in North Carolina and currently fighting a conviction for selling hot dogs without a license. His story inspired me, as I hope it does you as well. Of course I teach to follow the laws and codes so that you can make […]