Music Major goes Hollywood Ok, maybe not Hollywood, but he’s on the big screen here at BensCarts. Bo Gonzalez got started late spring and has now got a full schedule with his Big Dog Cart. Recently Young & FREE Indiana did a video interview and Bo gives some friendly advice. Bo did give me a […]
hot dog carts
Sonoran Hot Dog = Free Cook Book
As if my big ass wasn’t a dead giveaway! I love to cook. Well mostly bake, but cooking sometimes too. Just last night I made buckeyes, those beautiful peanut butter balls with the chocolate coating. I did this right before I made the ever so famous Dolly Parton’s Cream of Vegetable Soup with homemade […]
Double Italian Hot Dog in pizza bread
Jimmy Buff’s has a new one. I must say my arteries started clogging just watching the video. This delicious looking concoction of hot dogs, mustard, fried taters, mustard, sautéed onions and peppers is a must have. I licked the screen twice in 45 seconds. If any of you try this, please let me know. I […]
Rosko the hot dog man needs help!
Another vendor is facing the ignorant and often malicious local government. Rosko knows the powers that be are playing to the local restaurant owners. In fact the news station makes that point at the end of the video. “But part of the issue is that brick and mortar businesses complain sometimes the street vendors park […]
Free Chip Clips
Heinz and Castleberry’s win local West Virginia taste test. Well it’s official, the “panel” of taste testers; among all chili’s that cost less than a dollar a can, Castleberry’s wins!!! Well that’s good to know, next time I’m feeding weenies to the local catfish down at Douglas Lake, I’ll be sure to top it […]