Every week a winner! Before you go all Chuck Norris on my butt for using a little profanity, take a deep breath and remember, you hear worse on tv and radio, it’s just a word used for impact and holds no power over you. As my papaw used to say: Eat the meat and throw […]
hot dog carts
Hot Dog Vendor Radio Presents – The HotDogMan
Hot Dog! This is going to be an exciting show. Mr. Rob will be joining us live Tuesday the 21st of February. Rob was a successful vendor for 6 years and after some health issues had to put it on hold. He went back to school to become a teacher and obtain a […]
This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Hot Dog
Hot Dog Vendors Serving $5.00 Hot Dogs Changes are a brewin’ amongst many hot dog vendors. BensCarts.com has received photos and stories of vendors taking their business up a notch. I can say that I’ve never created anything on my cart so dang pretty as these, but I just may have to try one […]
Hot Dog Vendor Radio – Happy Valentines Day Show – LIVE
“you said it wouldn’t be live” I know, but I lied. We had so much news and cool stuff to bring you, we had to go ahead do the show. My divorce attorney said he’d give me a discount anyway since I’ve done two with him already. Dark cloud – meet silver lining. Win […]
We Are On iTunes! Hot Dog Vendor Radio – HDVR
Congratulations to Hot Dog Vendor Radio – HDVR Oh my me! Hot Dog Vendor Radio is becoming more and more popular. With guest hosts, professional vendor guests, vendor call ins and all those participating, we’re all making a difference. I am getting emails, txt messages and calls about the show and it’s exciting watching […]