SPECIAL NOTE: The following article appeared back in January. At the bottom you will find the TRUTH! The update includes links to these “Work Once and Get Paid Forever” unsuspecting consumers.
- You will read their quotes on how awesome it is
- Then you will see their sites and their success first hand (kind of)
- Check out the list of FREE stuff below before you get scammed by someone…
I get an email from a new vendor.
(See the update below, just below the picture of the pie in the sky)
(used with permission from sender – identifying information hidden)
I did call Lori back, but I wanted to share with you my opinion. (for what it's worth) If you saw my last blog entry I write about another seller whom sells courses from hot dog vending to buying chinese goods to running a daycare. He first hooks people with the hot dog vending though. Lori is not the first person to notice this type of marketing.
Some people are marketers plain and simple and they have all rights to market their goods. They have all rights to branch out and market other stuff, especially those that have built a following and built trust and a loyal following. I do however see the potential for some followers to perceive this as a contradiction or conflict of interest. Just like Lori did.
“If you can make over $4000.00 a week while sitting on the beach as your website does the work for you selling information (a lot of which is free on the internet if you look for it), then God bless you! I'd like a piece of that action myself! The reality, for most people, is that it just doesn't happen that way”. — another reader submitted
Lori isn't a bother to me and we have exchanged numerous phone calls and emails, I do understand her concern and agree that it can be disconcerting. Lori had me visit the website while we were on the phone and she pointed out the image of how much he makes. Of course this appears to be from July, 2011 and the amounts are blurred just enough to entice you to sign up for more info. Hell, I was tempted to sign up. See the screen grab below from the site.

Note the first number is visible and it appears that these are formatted as $XXX.xx / Assuming I'm reading correctly, just adding up the hundredth place you would be in excess of $3,800 in ONLY ONE WEEK! WOW! ALL FROM HOME – WORK ONCE AND GET PAID FOREVER! That's the pitch.
I GOTTA SAY, this is sounding great…I want in. But, (I know, everybody hates buts) if you had an online company making $4,000 weekly and on autopilot, mind you that is over $16,000/monthly and over $192,000 annually. Would you need to charge $98.00 to get others involved? Really?
Now let me share this: You will notice on my blog, website and videos, I do not mislead or give you pie in the sky crap. Hot dog vending is hard work. I have said this over and over and over for years. I still vend and it's gotten easier, but for the new person coming in, I don't want them to think this is simple. The payoff can be huge and the rewards keep multiplying depending on how you grow your business, but as I told Lori; “Don't worry, you have done your due diligence, yes, you are struggling a bit, but you are making money and more than you have in your past two jobs. Keep up the good work. Keep on keeping on.”
Don't be discouraged. If I was to quit vending today, walked away from it all and started painting houses for a living, this would not mean that painting houses is better, it just means it's better for me right now. Of course I'm not going anywhere.
(from NewOpsGroup.com – earnings disclaimer page)
Consider this: If you made your entire living selling information, if your income, your survival depended on getting others to buy courses and buying into associate marketing: Would it not be wise to continue to promote and entice others into helping grow your business? I'm all for it, if it's your cup of tea. As long as you use honest, factual and verifiable information to promote your sales.
I can say, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is. But there are exceptions; So always ask for proof, real evidence to support the claims made. If it's true, then coming up with proof should be very simple.
The bottom line: You and I are in this business to make money slinging hot dogs to hungry customers. It's what we do. Remember who your real ‘special opportunity group' is: Your customers. Like I told Lori, “stay on track.”
Oh and if you were looking for that pie in the sky… it's right here:
All information and screen shots used in accordance to the: U.S. FAIR USE ACT / DMCA
The opinions expressed here are that of the author and not necessarily the opinions of LearnHotDogs.com, it's affiliates or sponsors.
Now it's FREE! Where's the catch then? Could it be an effort to recruit more sheep to create websites with the special teaser ad for entering into the business, like this one?
I has questions:
- Where's the website links to all these quoted consumers of this new opportunity? For example, one persons quote was deemed powerful enough to use in the pitch; but when you go to the website, It's not been touched. It's simply a series of out of the box splash pages.
- Free, are there some other costs? My money is on ‘yes'.
For Example: (from the past customers of this “work once and get paid” program)
“Drum roll please……CrenshawVentures is now launched! On to the next step….. -Renee Crenshaw, NewOps Member”
but look at the site: www.crenshawventures.com
“I think everyone that takes you up on your offer will be very pleased and maybe make some more money — if they work the plan. -Steve Shaffar, NewOps Member”
but look at the site: www.paperweightpublishing.com
The Right Teacher! I always thought I was a pretty good writer, but I was terrible at getting a website up and running. Steve Schaible was the answer to my problem. His NewOps course guides you and covers building your site in simple steps, one lesson at a time. He also covers website marketing in a way that is simple to understand. Steve is a straight forward, honest and ethical Missouri man that believes in delivering a quality product. In fact, I’ve never seen so much value. Steve is successful because he over delivers and helps make other people’s dreams come true. If you would like to build a website or market one that you already have, join Steve’s NewOps Group. Thanks Steve! -Travis Case, NewOps Member
but look at the site: http://travisdwayne.com/
These are the success stories? These are the quotes used to rope in the unsuspecting?
I am in awe!
Out of 6 websites, web-rank shows less than one hit a day on average and one site touted, had a special article written about it and all, has received zero hits in 6 months!!! And to further the costs, you have to purchase a site, domain, hosting, etc…
“If you don’t have a web site you are missing the boat. Big time. If you have a website but no one ever finds it, that’s just as bad as not having a website at all. Don’t be a dinosaur.” This is a direct quote from the creator himself.
I spent $98 plus and I got what?
Looks like you got pitched with the pie in the sky pitch. “Work once and get paid forever!” Really? Really?
Keep your eyes on the prize, don't be tempted, don't be fooled, don't be duped.
It's reminiscent of those late night tv infomercials. “make it big” “no work required” “work once, get paid forever” And it should say; “SEND ME YOUR MONEY AND WATCH ME MAKE IT BIG!”
How Much Can A Hot Dog Vendor Make?
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MY COURSE BOOK - Everything you need to know about getting started, my journey, my secrets...all the goodies that changed my life, and how it was done -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're in...no matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]