I've been getting a lot of questions lately about COVID been hurting hot dog vendors and street food businesses.
It has been raining like crazy. So I figured I'd come outside, sit on my porch and answer those questions/concerns.
Well, yeah, it's hurting a lot of businesses. However, it is not hurting hot dog vendors and street food businesses.
In fact, only helped vendors, with restaurant closures, which is sad to say, cause you know, at the cost of one than the other increases, but that's what's happened as restaurants close more and more.
We talked about this over and over and the opportunities that surround it.
That's why the federal department of transportation started allowing vendors. I mean, even hot dog carts at truck stops and even invited them and said, please, please come.
It's why cities like Nashville, North Carolina, actually put out full page ads saying, please vendors come.
Well, northing's changed. Except they started open up restaurants again and now they're closing them again.
So COVID has helped hot dog vendors and street food!
I'm hearing about it all over the place, but I hear mostly in the United States and Canada.
I am watching vendors have the best year this year, of all their years.
We have vendors in our Vendors United group doing great this year. Doubling, tripling what they usually do, working the same amount.
Why is that?
Because restaurants closed.
And people want a filling, a normalcy.
Some people will seek out a food truck or a food cart because it's a nostalgic thing. And it just feels better than going to Taco Bell.
So that's what vendors are seeing.
Plus the private gigs have gone through the roof.
We've got one vendor in the group that has been in there over 10 years.
He's been vending and he's in a little, tiny town.
And he shared some information with us on a Monday night show that his business has increased so much on catering and private gigs that he was not even doing street stuff hardly at all, because he doesn't need to.
He only does it because he wants to ensure his customers will be there, but he's not doing extra days or anything because of the private gigs.
Anytime any of the vendors allow me to share their stuff out on Vendors United, I share it over there.
And if you don't know what Vendors United is, go to vendorsunited.com.
You can go in for free and try it out.
I promise you if you you're this close to start, or wanting to start, this is the best place you could go.
You can get a years of education in one fell swoop for very little money, less than a dollar a day. If you decide to stay in there, it is the best investment.
Plus it's a hundred percent tax write off!
But then you got people in there like Jason Brown, Corey Lawrence, Mark Lawler…
Mark Lawler lets people come and work on his cart with him so they can see what it's like. We've got some incredible people and I want to invite you to do that.
But first, I want to read you something from a brand new hot dog vendor.
I just shared this last Monday and I've gotten an update since, so I'm gonna share that with you right now.

His name's James and he goes…
“Thank you for guidance and your plethora of materials out there. Also a big thanks to all the vendors that allow you to share their stories of success and tribulations.
Well, let's get right to it…
We had our first event this weekend with the new cart. Our plan was very humble, not knowing exactly how big of an impact COVID was going to have on the crowd.
We bought roughly 150 dogs and more chips than I thought we'd be able to sell in two weekends.
We were dead wrong!
The crowd started showing up around at 10 in the morning and boy did they come hungry.
After multiple runs to different stores to grab more dogs and buns, we finally had to shut down at 5:00 PM roughly, as there were no more dogs and buns to be had in town.
We even ran out of nacho chips.
We swapped and focused on kettle corn and had it going like gangbusters until we froze the dang tanks on the regulator.
At the end of day one, we sat at a little over $2,000 in sales.
First day during COVID!Rinse and repeat the same for Sunday, traveled to Sam's and took every pack of hot dogs they had in stock.
Just saying, we named our dog the Social Distance Dog.
And that was our number one seller, chili cheese dog with garlic aioli.Not sure if it was the name, but we did get a lot of laughs and a whole lot of orders for it.
It was an insane weekend!
Total for the first weekend in sales $3,985.And I should point out that we were competing against a big donut truck and a shaved Dodge trailer, and we are booked same spot for the next four weekends.” – James
Now let me give you the update.
James wrote me.
This was four days ago. He says…
“Last thing before I let you go…
we just got a call from the location and they want us to be there every day, this week and next, not just weekends, cause they're having massive weekday crowds.“

Bottom line is…
You asked about COVID?
This is a fantastic opportunity for hot dog vendors!
Probably the best thing I've ever seen in business is this opportunity for you to start, no matter how you start.
We've got vendors in VU, starting without a cart, just tables and some tabletop burners and steam pans. And that's legal in most States.
We've got hot dog vendors that are starting out nearly broke and turning it around in a week or a few days, or like James did in a weekend.
There's a lot of opportunity here.
Now I leave the bad comments up to, and I had a guy go…
“I'm selling my cart, COVID ruined me.”
No, your attitude ruined you.
You didn't get ruined by COVID.
Cause if you're a vendor and you have some way to give food to people safely, you did not get ruined by COVID.
You chose not to make money because I have yet to meet a hot dog vendor who isn't doubling and tripling. And even more than that on their carts this year.
This year has been the best year for vendors. So keep that in mind.
Don't think, Oh, well I can't vend now cause COVID.
No, you can vend. You can even vend safely.
We've got hot dog vendors set up with Plexiglass shields that are vending, and killing it.
We got vendors kicking butt and lots of them.
And you can talk to them. You ain't even going to take my word for it…
You can join Vendors United for free, go in there and talk to everybody.
Go talk to hundreds of them and go…
Where are you at?
Where's your place?
Where's your Facebook page.
They all share it.
We all share in there.
So you've got an opportunity of a lifetime if you want to, if you want to have the opportunity.
That's what I say, to those that say that COVID is killing them…
No, COVID is not killing your business.
Even if you're high risk, you can hire somebody to run that cart. You could do private gigs, you could do delivery gigs. You could do drop off catering.
Holy cow, hot dog vendors are making money with drop-off catering!
And now Jason Brown has been coming on our show every Monday night, the mastermind show, and answering questions and helping vendors out.
You can learn about a winter gig set up and what you can do to make more money with the same product, and how to get nine different menu items with one menu item, how to not have to buy more, to make more.
And one of the things he shared was his famous Mac and Cheese recipe. He did the whole recipe in front of all of us on video with the ingredients and everything.
Well, this is a phenomenal Mac and Cheese. Like you aren't gonna find it at a restaurant, nobody's gonna match it.
The bottom line is so many opportunities.
The only thing standing in your way is air and opportunity.
That's it!
Keep that in mind.
I hope you'll join us for Vendors United.
Even if you just go in for the free stuff and even if you grab all that and leave, if I helped you become successful, it will make my day. It will make my week, my millennium.
So, stay positive.
These are opportunities for us.
We can still be safe.
We protect ourselves and our families and our customers and make a gob of fricking money.
Watch the full Video HERE…
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FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're in...no matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]