I get that question all the time, is my town too small for hot dog business?
People from little towns, and most of America is made up of little towns, they think their town's too small.
And the answer is no.
That's the short answer.
Your town is not too small…
My Town Is Too Small For My Hot Dog Business
As example, Globe Arizona has a population now of about 7,500 people. It previously had roughly 6,000, when I spoke to a lady who was thinking about vending there.

She was worried, panicked, and we were talking on the phone and she goes, Oh my gosh, I may have to go all the way to Phoenix.
Well, let me back out of this first and show you how far Phoenix is. Phoenix is long, long ways from Globe.
She was really worried, and here's the question I asked her…
How many gas stations and convenience stores do you have?
She goes, I think at the time that was five or six.
I don't remember exactly.
So I said, how do they make it with five or six?
And she goes, well, there's six thousand people live here.
And you're worried about your hot dog cart business?
Start your own street food business with a small investment – [CLICK HERE]The point is sometimes we think, Oh my gosh, there's already a vendor here in my town, how will I ever get any business?
Are they getting all 6,000 people eating at their cart?
The answer's NO.
The truth is…
We only need about 100 people
Some of us get away with 50-60 depending on our prices, 50-60 a day.
And that's all we need.
That's two, three, four, five, six, $700 days with just that small number of people.
It depends on the price of your meal, your economy in your area.
Well, Globe isn't like a bad economy area, but it's not the richest area either.
So this lady gets a cart.
I guess I convinced her.

She buys a hot dog cart and she gets it. And within four months she calls and orders a second cart and I said, where are you going to put this one?
Oh, it's going in town to about six blocks from where she was previously.
She's putting another cart. Why?
Because there's plenty of business and she didn't want somebody else getting another cart and taken out what could be more business.
I said, well, you don't even have to worry about that because there's still plenty of business.
I mean, at today's numbers there are 7,500 people there.
That's way plenty.
There's an Island in Florida that has about 600 residents.
There's five restaurants, two gas stations, one grocery store and two police officers.
But my point is…
Could you make it in a 600 person town?
Absolutely you could. So I would be better off and do better in a small town.
A small town has benefits because a lot of times they are hungry for new business.
They are hungry to support local business and they typically just go out of their way.
There's a little tiny town in North Carolina called Bakersville. It's got about 193 people in it.

There's a hot dog vendor.
You know why?
Because the town supports the vendor and they still have, I think, three or four restaurants.
Those are places that are astronomically small population. I mean just tiny population, and still vendors making good livings in those areas.
Even if you lived in Los Angeles, you're not going to be vending to Los Angeles.
You're going to be vending in a little suburb, on a smaller section of that suburb, and a smaller section of that.
And that's where you'll be vending. So it's really not important how many people are around you.
Now, if you're in Wyoming or Montana and it's three day drive to get to any major city, and your town has eight people, probably not gonna happen.
Just don't start a hot dog business there.
Open a taxi service to take people to town.
That's what you could do.
But don't do hot dog vending in a population of eight.
Hot Dog Business In a Popullation Of 193
I know somebody that's doing it in 193, that's legitimate.
That's enough people to supply you with business.
You could go out twice a week, you'll have a bang up time.
Because they're more likely to use you on the days that you're there, instead of you going, I've got to work six days a week cause there's only 200 people in town.
Nope, go out two days a week, and they'll make an effort to get to you.
That's why when I was doing the factory gig, I started out five nights a week thinking, Oh man, I'm gonna really make some money here.
And I did that for a couple of nights.
But then I figured out, I could go on Tuesday and Thursday night and make more than I did work in five nights a week.
So those are the things you got to look at.
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And what was the factory?
It only had about 600 people, and not all them mate with me.
Cause I only need a small few to make a lot of money.
There's a lot of profit in hot dogs and hot dog vending.
If you do the things that I teach, and you do it right, you'll make a great living.
So don't worry about how small of a town you're in.
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