To you and a dentist Several people have written lately and told me how they are doing with sweets. From brownies to cookies. But lately, I’m hearing more about the cotton candy. It’s cheap and requires no effort, no more than pulling a bag of chips would be from your chip clips. Many people love […]
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Who’s got questions?
I Accept Tips too! I am going to do my best to answer your questions and if I don’t know the answer, I will do my utmost to make up something that sounds good. Just kidding. I would love it if you would post some questions in the comments below or email me at […]
Oh’ my me…Help others and make money!
Your gonna love this… Do you want to make some Money? I knew you would! For two years I have had a few vendors that were willing to do training in their area. If you are an active vendor and would like to help others while making some cash, then your services are […]
Answers Please! I get questioned.
Really I’m just getting too lazy. I know, I know, what’s the big deal? I get some 100+ calls a day. I love it, don’t mind a bit, but this question keeps coming via email or by phone; How do ya and how long do ya cook them hot dogs? First we need some details. […]
Hot Dog with a sprinkle of Meth – mmmmm good!
I was out of town Well this past week has been hectic and so the blog was left to fend for itself. I do thank all of you whom sent me hot dog vendor news and info this past week. So without further ado do (LOL); Vendor needed in Canada for the upcoming […]