People love his street tacos and street corn! Sometimes the road to street food success has some bumps and potholes.
It can seem like one of those mud obstacle courses, trying to figure out how to get licensed and learn how to run a business. One common question for new vendors is how to find a commissary.
This one vendor has run into that commissary headache in Alabama, but JR is still working and making good money with Fat Daddy's Street Food & Catering. His secret? Street Tacos and Street Corn
Even without a commissary, he's so busy he has to turn down gigs, and he's hiring helpers. He sent us an update and some new photos, so here you go!
Street Tacos and Street Corn Business
Hi Ben!
It's JR with formerly La Casa Tamale. We changed our name to Fat Daddy's Street Food & Catering. I'm here in North Alabama and I'm still having trouble getting a commissary.
But I haven't let that stop me from vending. Here you can do these festivals and craft shows that are health department exempt with no permit. So that's what I've been doing. But not with hot dogs.
They have all invited me to their events because I do street tacos and street corn as well. We have had 3 events in the last month and have sold out completely within 3 hours of the close of the event at all three.
And let me tell you the profits are awesome.
I spent around $950 for product for all three events. After my cost and paying my nephew and oldest son to help, that cleared me $2500 – $3000 for all three events.
I have done birthday parties, weddings, and even gender reveals and also beauty pageants.
I have found a way to still vend even with the headache of finding a commissary here in Alabama. If you want it bad enough there is always a way. And my street tacos and street corn are that way!
I have been having to turn business away because I just don't have enough space for the quality of product I would need. So we are looking at a food trailer now to add along with the cart.
Thank you Ben for all the videos and teachings. I have studied them over and over and put them to work.
JR Rudeseal (Fat Daddy's Street Food & Catering)
Thank you for sending us your update JR. You are a great example of how learning and preparation pay off!
Keep in touch and let us know how it goes!
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