UberEats has opened up a world of opportunities for vendors and even those wanting to become a hot dog vendor. You can UberEats your hot dog cart for new business and for those not yet started, you can use UberEats to fund your new business venture.

Cory wanted a hot dog cart so bad he could taste it. He started with his motorcycle and got signed up with UberEats. Business was great and he worked around his schedule at his normal job. (the one he hated)
Every day I was watching your videos. Every day I was dreaming of when I could be vending.
~ Cory
Cory got a delivery notice that had him picking up at a local food truck – AND this was the genesis of his brilliant idea. (more on that in a minute)

Cory's budget didn't allow for much of a savings plan. He needed a second job. An ex-girlfriend told him about UberEats and how he could work when he wanted – as much or as little.
He signed up. That weekend he made deliveries as fast as he could. He netted just over $200 plus the $37 in tips. He was going to save it all. Every bit was going into his “Big Dog® Hot Dog Cart Savings Can”. (his words)
The excitement from the weekend drove him to delivering at night during the week and by the end of his first week – although tired – he'd made over $950 in his “can”.
Because he was eating, drinking and sleeping everything vending, he wanted to be around more vendors and deliver for more vendors.
That Wednesday he didn't deliver any meals. Instead – after his regular job (that one he hates) – he Googled, Facebook searched and found every local street food vendor he could find.
He wrote down their schedule for Saturday and Sunday and made himself a map. His goal… to stop by – and see as many as he could.

Saturday's weather sucked so he only got to meet one street food vendor. But Sunday he saw 3.
I asked them all if they were on UberEats? All four were not. So I told them about it. Two signed up. This meant I'd now have two new people to deliver from and that made 3 food vendors. And honestly, I just wanted to be around it more. It was a win-won thing. They get more business and I get to deliver from their carts and see more food vending folks.
Cory was delivering pancakes from IHOP to a college campus at about 3:30 AM when it hit him.
One of the vendors who didn't sign up – mentioned he was working a local bar at night with his cart. Cory went and talked with him again. He told him that he could get even more business with UberEats while he's working that night job.
Because – late night food options are slim pickings, Cory was sure this vendor would be even busier being on UberEats. This also meant that on Saturday nights into the wee hours of Sunday – Cory would be more busy.
It worked! 2 Saturdays later – Cory had his best Saturday night ever. Coincidentally – so did the hot dog vendor. So much so – that the vendor gave Cory $40 dollars just for the heck of it.
And yet another vendor “SEAN” doing it too. Click to see.

Cory bought his hot dog cart just 6 weeks into working with UberEats. All with the money earned from delivering food.
He's now selling his motorcycle to get the extra cash he needs to get a used truck his Uncle has. (to pull his new Big Dog® cart)
UberEats Your Hot Dog Cart RECAP
- You can expand your business with UberEats
- You can fund your startup with UberEats
- You can also use other food delivery services like DoorDash
All in all – UberEats can help grow your business and increase your exposure and revenue.
- Include a rack card or flyer with each meal delivered
- Night vending on your cart just got busier
This is the stuff we do in Vendors United. It's our private group exclusively for vendors and soon to be vendors. We expand, share examples with tips and tricks on making us all more profitable. Check it out for free here.
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