THESE ARE THE TOP 5 THINGS THAT SEPARATE THE SUPER SUCCESSFUL STREET FOOD VENDOR and it doesn't have anything to do with your town being too big, too small or any number of other arbitrary excuses I hear. More than likely – it's just one or two of these…
Mel goes out (4 years now) but he's a mediocre income earner. I'm not saying he's mediocre, just his income is. He could spend the same or even less time – and make more money.
If you're already successful but not super successful – I'd bet it's due to one of these. Maybe a couple of these.
If Its Worth Doing…
Then it's worth doing right. The top 5 Reasons You're Not Super Successful At Street Food Vending is probably because you're either wholesale skipping one or more of these or you aren't giving them your all.
The FACTS ARE – by doing these right – you'll make more – you'll spend less time working – and you'll create patterns and habits that will reward you and your hot dog vending empire for years to come.
Odds are – YOU don't need to change all these >>>>>>>>
But maybe one – or two?
Well let's get started.
They're all fixable – solvable and resolvable.
And with very little effort.
I spend each week taking calls and some of those are private consults.
Usually these revolve around a fix involving one of these 5 things.
You're welcome – I just saved you a $650 consult fee. 🙂
Let me show you how easy it is. In just a little bit. I'll share. Exactly. How to “fix” any of these issues and get YOU…
“Ben, I just can't stand it. I get overwhelmed just thinking about all this “being consistent” stuff. I'm already doing pretty dang good and I really don't have time to fix this stuff.”
Wrong Bubba! You can fix this in an instant and never look back. You just need a solution. A simple and easy to follow solution. [THE SOLUTION]
Quicker: Take a napkin or any paper and write down where you're gonna work over the next 7 days. Be there consistently – if you can be there 3 days a week be there every week – those 3 days and at the same times.
Doesn't matter if it's 1 day a week or 6 – be there consistently. Create a to-do list daily. Keep a schedule.
Consistent hot dog vendors do better. Often 200% better. They work less – yet they make more.
“Ben, I just don't have time. I don't have a clue how I did on the last 6 Tuesdays at this location. And honestly… I don't see why it's so freak'n important.”
WRONG BUBBA-LOU… you do have time. It's easy, solvable right now and in one fell swoop you can know the important stuff that can double and triple your time / cost / value ratio.
Quicker: Simply jot down the date, where you worked and how you did. Within a few weeks, you'll know that you should be fishing on the 2nd Tuesday of each month rather than working that location.
“Ben, these locations I work are good. Sometimes great but not consistently great. I want some of the exclusive spots. The ones – no one else gets. But it impossible here. My town says…blah blah blah…”
Wrong Bubba Du – You can right now – within 24 hour have a location like the county courthouse, the state capital, the Federal building, the Walmart, the community center or any other exclusive and highly profitable location like these.
Quicker: Well I'd be lying if I said there was a quicker method. The solution to getting about Any Location you want is here. And it's more than just one.
“BUT.. BUT Ben… I need all this on my menu. I need to change it up often. I just need better prices so I don't have to raise mine. And this hot dog is the number one hot dog where I'm from.”
Wrong Bubba Sue – This ties into being all things to all people (see #5) but you're just either addicted to working and risking more for less money or you just don't know these things. That's about to change.
The most common error vendors make – is thinking that the specialty dog (say the Chicago Dog) is gonna do great in the mountains of East Tennessee.
[THE SOLUTION] Be sure to look at the attached article there also.
Quicker: Do taste tests where you're gonna be serving. Don't dare waste time trying to educate customers about a product that you're in love with from another region. Like I did… trying to explain that Vienna all beef dogs weren't the same as the mushy vienna sausages inside that can they took on fishing trips.
Pick just a few items (types of dogs and meal deals) and roll with it. Add new items slowly and only one at a time after testing.
“Ben, if I didn't make them all happy, my business will go under. True, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make them all happy.”
Wrong Bubba Boo – You won't even recognize the loss of a few specialty ordering customers in relation to the new freedom and savings you'll enjoy.
Quicker: You simply can't be all things to all people – at least not for long. You'll have more waste, more expense and less productive and profitable time with your hot dog vending business. Simplify it all, start with your menu, your ordering and your schedule.
Keeping your records will help narrow it all down. Don't feel bad to turn down events your invited to and always do your due diligence first – even on the smallest of changes. (like the mustard brand change)
Not really. You can always learn, grow and become better at running your professional hot dog vending business, mini mobile catering business or other type of street food vending. There's literally tons of free information right here for you. (right on this blog site)
The above 5 THINGS THAT SEPARATE THE SUPER SUCCESSFUL STREET FOOD VENDOR are real, they are the most common. They can be fixed in an instant and they will…
Give you more time and more cash!
These 5 THINGS THAT SEPARATE THE SUPER SUCCESSFUL STREET FOOD VENDOR also apply to the separation between the vendor about to quit and the vendor that makes it all the way.
You've gone this far. Don't dare let an ounce of prevention work prevent you from avoiding the pound of cure.
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MY COURSE BOOK - Everything you need to know about getting started, my journey, my secrets...all the goodies that changed my life, and how it was done -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GET THE BEST LOCATION FOR YOUR CART! - How To Get Any Location You Want - The "Most Wanted Secret" Any Vendor Wants To Know! -[CLICK HERE]
FREE BOTTLED WATER HACK! - Apply a couple little tricks, get free water, sell it for whatever you want and keep all the money! -[CLICK HERE]
HOW TO GRILL, STEAM & BOIL LIKE A PRO! - Get "STEAM, BOIL & GRILL" Now and learn Live from a Pro! -[CLICK HERE]
BUILD YOUR OWN CART - From home, saving a bunch of money. Easy way to get started - [CLICK HERE]
HOW TO START ON A BUDGET - Start your own street food business with a small investment - [CLICK HERE]
ALREADY VENDING AND WANTING TO GROW? - I have created a training wizard that can help you concur any part of the business you want. No matter the state you're matter if you're brand new or have already gotten started - [CLICK HERE]