Sit back and relax… Do to my error, the last newsletter went out a day late. Not such a big deal had it not been for the announcement of the Live Radio Broadcast we did. Almost 200 tuned in and some from across the seas. But unfortunately many others wanted to listen live and for […]
Ben’s going live – Hot Dog Vendors Make More!
Fantastic News! I have some great news. Let me start by telling you about the FREE Cart Giveaway and the Do It Yourself Video Course (Build your hot dog cart). For those that have been patiently waiting; THANK YOU! It is coming. The videos have been edited and mastered and now I await […]
Attention Potential Hot Dog Cart Operators – Why just hot dogs?
Already my phone is ringing off the hook and my… email inbox has 100 questions a day all from potential vendors wanting more information. Just yesterday, I received 13 calls and over 20 emails about serving other foods from a cart. The thought process goes something like this; I need to find something to make […]
Coke & Onion Recipe
Coke and Onions make everything better COKE and ONIONs RECIPE [watch video below] 5 Medium Onions Approx. 2 Cans of Cola (not diet) 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. garlic powder 2 tbsp. olive oil (any cooking oil will do) Slice onion ends off. Slice onion in half and remove outer dry layers Slice onion down […]
Hot Dog Cart Training Videos –
Where in the world have you been? That’s the question I’ve been getting for the past week or so. First there was Thanksgiving and that was a blast but then I came down with the “crude” as my wife calls it. Also known as a cold, but this one has been rough. Thanks for […]