Are you offering coffee from your hot dog cart? You could be taking in hundreds extra every week by adding coffee. A few years ago a vendor called into the live radio show: hot dog vendor radio – he showed up early one day and discovered an entirely new income stream. Eventually he changed over […]
Hot Dog Cart Business
Hot Dog Cart Wheel Bearing Maintenance [VIDEO]
Did you know you need to grease the bearings in your hot dog cart axle? No worries. Alex has a Big Dog® and Cash Cow® cart that he keeps well maintained. He shared how to do hot dog cart wheel bearing maintenance and shows repacking the bearings from start to finish. Hot Dog Cart Wheel […]
$289,000 Hot Dog Vendor Location Permit!!!
Can you even imagine? A $289,000 hot dog vendor location permit? You’d have to be there nearly seven days a week and you’d also have to have high profit margins. EAT THE MEAT – THROW OUT THE BONES Although the narrator/writer for this video is biased after a supposed food poisoning experience he makes some […]
Can You Make A Hot Dog In 15 Seconds?
New York hot dog vendor makes a hot dog in 15 seconds. He works the same spot for 10 years – 7 days a week. He obviously has a bad addiction to vending or doesn’t know my secrets on working less and making more in vending. HOT DOG IN 15 SECONDS Or less. And […]
Nothing Stops Her – Hot Dog Lemonade Lady – Interview
She uses roasters now. She’s had two hot dog carts but after some financial challenges had to sell them and go back to table top vending. But no matter what… nothing will stop this hot dog lemonade lady. Just this week I got to interview Jennifer and her partner in vending – “Phoenix”. She’s 8 […]