A DAY IN THE LIFE of a hot dog vendor. Would you like to follow a pro hot dog vendor for the day? Of course you would. Imagine what you’d learn. Imagine what you could take back to your business and apply for more profits, more free time and more fun. Not Just A Day […]
hot dog carts
Hot Dog Watermelon Relish Recipe
Just in time! A hot dog watermelon relish recipe. It’s Summer and time to capture the tastebuds of hungry folks everywhere. I know it sounds kinda weird but – trust me. Who’s gonna be the first vendor? Hot Dog Watermelon Relish Recipe Is Delicious Of course I’d lose the chicken sausage and grab some all […]
Wrapping A Hot Dog Cart
This hot dog vendor is marketing 24-7. As in, without working, his marketing is always running. He paid once and it’s constantly working for him. Jim explains all the logic of Wrapping A Hot Dog Cart. If you’ve ever seen those sexy vinyl wraps… then you’re gonna love this. Fortunately, Jim allowed me to share all […]
How To Build A Concession Trailer – DIY – Cheap
Want to know how to Build A Concession Trailer / Food Trailer / Food Truck Trailer… cheap? Like for less than $6000? You can build or drop in the equipment you need for pennies on the dollar. It’s doable and it’s easier than you think. Not only is it easy to build out a food […]
It’s civil court day in Small Town, USA. Misdemeanors, small claim actions, traffic offenses and all civil hearings. And a hot dog vendor goes to court this Friday. At 12:PM on the dot, Judge R. Johnson will break for lunch. HE’S THE JUDGE & THE JURY Just before dismissing for lunch, Judge R. Johnson […]