The hot dog stand business saves Sam and family. Sam’s husband had just been released from jail. What started out as pain management after a fall at work turned into a full fledged drug addiction. AND THEN JAIL. Sam’s husband was finding it very hard to find a job with his probation requirements, his bad […]
hot dog carts
Hot Dog Vendor Helps Many
If you… then you know If you are a Vendors United member or if you follow us on our Facebook page, you’ve certainly seen and heard from Mark Lollar. He’s the owner of The Great American Hot Dog Stand. This hot dog vendor helps many. He’s about as country as cornbread and full of wisdom. […]
Hot Dog Vending Is Fail Proof
I predicted it and I’ve predicted it over and over. I know within minutes of talking with a new hot dog vendor or a soon-to-be hot dog vendor whether or not they’ll fail. First I must admit (proud to admit) hot dog vending is just about the most perfect business. Hot dog vending is fail […]
Hot Dog Vendor Salary Released
A tricky question but not unanswerable. Before I spit out the average hot dog vendor salary, I must preface this. Truth Behind The Incomes Released The biggest issue comes down to the variables with vendors and the hot dog vendor salary. Some vendors lack experience and knowledge. Others work more and still there is the […]
Food Truck For Sale $312,000
SAVE $63,000 ON A FOOD TRUCK Food truck for sale, almost new to some over 10 years old and anywhere from $28,000 to $250,000.00 – New Food Trucks can run up to half a million dollars. And I’m here to save you $60,000 and more on your food truck. HOW TO SAVE THOUSANDS […]