We attempt to keep each show on a topic but with many new vendors starting up, we were asked a wide range of questions. Please click play above to listen or go below and watch the show recording. The topic tonight was selected from requests on our Facebook page. Some asked about State and Federal […]
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Pennies Turn Into Dollars
Good Morning! I drink a lot of Diet Pepsi. I mean, it’s all I drink. Occasionally to prevent it from going bad, I add some bourbon. I have a little fridge in my office and my wife keeps me stocked up nicely. I also smoke like a chimney. I’d grab a cigarette go to the […]
088 – What To Do When The Inspector Asks For Something Crazy
What Are You Going To Do… when your health inspector asks you for sinks big enough to submerge the largest pan, or when they demand you have an NSF cart? I’ve heard some batshit crazy stuff from inspectors that other vendors have shared. Tonight we find out. We find out exactly how to overcome these […]
Remember Shelley? She’s Making Hot Dog Vendor News Again
Hot Dog Vendor CEO In The News You remember Shelley right? She’s the one that has been so kind to give us vendors FREE forms for all sorts of hot dog vending stuff. You can find those at store.benscarts.com. She was featured in a story recently and I thought you would enjoy it. Congratulations Shelley!!! […]
10 Steps To Successful Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing For Funds I’ve talked about this before but over the past 2 weeks, I’ve received 9 requests to promote someones crowdsourcing page. In the past I’ve shared links and some have had great success, but if I was to list everyone I received: 1. You’d get annoyed 2. The effectiveness of the LearnHotDogs.com bump […]