Street Food Vendors… Don’t say this to a Health Inspector! The thing we all dread the most when getting started in street food vending, hot dogs, or whatever, is that first call to the county or city health department. What you have to remember is that they work for us. We pay taxes so they […]
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What’s a Commissary Kitchen?
The health inspector says I gotta have a commissary kitchen! “Oh my God, Ben! I don’t even know what that is!” Take a deep breath my friend. I get this question all the time. In fact it’s one of my top 10 questions of all time. You can find a more in depth explanation at […]
Street Food Q&A
Howdy folks, today is Street Food Q&A day! Y’all leave so many great questions that I need to take at least one day per week to answer as many as I can. So today’s video is a Q&A for street food vendors, and anyone thinking of vending hot dogs, cottage food, or whatever! What questions […]
How to Start Food Vending if You’re Broke
Ben, I’m ready to start food vending, but I’m broke! So was I! But don’t do it like I did. Don’t pawn your children’s internal organs (just kidding), or buy 22 hot dog carts in your first year (not kidding)! That was stupid! How to start food vending with little to no money You don’t […]
Should I Buy a New or Used Cart? Or Build My Own?
“Ben, should I buy a new or used cart?” you ask. That just happens to be the topic of this video! Before you buy a new or used hot dog cart… Do you due diligence! You don’t want to order a brand new cart with options on it that your health department won’t approve! That’s […]