We had fun on our 39th episode of Hot Dog Vendor Radio. Due to hurricane Sandy we didn’t get to talk with Jason but he’s ok, just hanging out in the dark until the power returns. Our hearts go out to all those affected by the storms. Happy Hallo-weenie! If you have a picture for […]
PayPal Here For Hot Dog Vendors
Have You Heard The… Word? We sent our crack team of investigators out on the world wide webs, not only are there no spiders but it’s not a real web either. They did find out the truth behind the rumors; PayPal having a swipey thingy for your mobile cellular telephonic device. PayPal Here is Here! […]
What Can She Do For You?
I Had To Share Today while perusing the world wide web, I ran across a website that offers a FREE platform to operate your hot dog vendor business finances. They host your secure data on their super safe and secure servers from the cloud and you can access from anywhere and at anytime. If you […]
Hot Dog Vendor DayCare
Jason Brown posted about his hot dog vendor daycare program on Facebook …and people love it. I’ve checked and you don’t even need a license to do this. Ladies can drop off their husbands with Jason while going shopping or to get ‘ther hair did’. You can click below for a bigger image. So […]
The Love Hot Dog Company
The Love Hot Dog Company is up an running and oh what a difference experience, marketing genius and good ole’ fashioned hard work will get ya. Jason Brown helps us each week on the radio show and has a knack for taking something relatively simple and turning it into a work of art. Consider his […]