Hey folks, it's Ben here and today, we're diving into a phenomenon I like to call “poor mouthing,” especially common among hot dog vendors.
This isn't just a Southern thing, it's a vendor thing, and it’s worth understanding if you're in the street food business or planning to join.
So let's get to it!
What is Poor Mouthing?
Have you ever heard someone downplaying their success, acting like they're barely scraping by, no matter how well they might actually be doing?
In the South, we call that “poor mouthing.” It's a cultural thing, and I've seen it a lot among street food vendors.
Heck, my own papa was a master at it.
He'd be sitting on a pile of savings, but if you asked him how he was doing, he'd tell you he was working twice as hard just to get by.
Encountering Poor Mouthing Vendors

I encounter this a lot with hot dog vendors across the country.
Let me tell you about a trip to Gainesville, Florida. I met an older fella vending at the courthouse square.
I introduced myself, bought a hotdog, and tried to strike up a conversation.
This guy starts poor mouthing right off the bat. “It's horrible,” he says, “I'm barely making enough to get by.”
Yet, I couldn’t help but notice the six cases of hot dogs stacked next to him, each containing 80 hot dogs. He'd been doing this for 14 years!
As I walked around, I discovered another cart on the other side of the courthouse square.
Turns out, it was his too!
So here’s a guy with two successful carts, trying to convince me he's barely scraping by. Classic poor mouthing.
Why Hot Dog Vendors And Cities Do It?
Vendors poor mouth for various reasons, often to discourage potential competition. But it's not just vendors.
Cities and towns can be just as guilty. City officials might tell you that vending doesn’t do well in their area, trying to protect their local restaurant buddies.
Health inspectors sometimes do the same, telling potential vendors they won’t make any money to avoid extra work. (Did your Health Inspector lie to you? Find out HERE).
The Reality of Street Food Vending
Here’s the truth: most hot dog vendors work short hours, around three hours a day, three to four days a week.
Some work more, sure, but the average vendor isn’t killing themselves with long hours.
Yes, there's prep and cleanup time (learn how to cut clean up time in half HERE), but overall, it's a gig that offers a lot of flexibility and freedom.
The Proof is in the Pudding
During the 2008 housing market crash, I had a chiropractor come to me, wanting to buy a hot dog cart.
His practice was suffering, but he found huge success in street food vending. He made so much money that he bought another cart and started employing others.
This business works if you follow the right steps.
Ignore the Naysayers
If you want to get into street food vending, don’t let the poor mouthing or naysayers discourage you. This business can offer you more time and more freedom.
Whether you want to spend more time with family, pursue hobbies, or just have the flexibility to do what you love, street food vending can make it happen.
Bottom Line…
There you go, folks!
The truth about poor mouthing in the street food vending world.
Remember, it's not about luck; it's about following the right steps and making it happen.
If you’re interested in joining the world of street food vending, don’t let the poor mouthers get you down.
Search this website for all the free information you need to get started or to turn your existing business around.
Thousands of vendors have found success by following these steps, and you can too.
And if you want to take your vending business to the next level, go and get together with the best vendors on the planet inside the Vendors United community.
You can learn about it HERE (it is 100% free to try it out for 5 days!!)…
🧡🧡 Vendors United – 100% FREE 5 Days Trial – Try It Today! 🧡🧡
Stay positive, stay committed, and you'll find success.
Keep slinging those weenies and enjoy the freedom that comes with being your own boss.
Love you all, and I'll see you next time!
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