Back to school season is here, and it’s a great vending opportunity for food vendors! It seems to arrive earlier every year. It’s still the middle of summer, but I have seen sweaters in the shops already. I guess it’s time to talk about back to school food vending ideas! Although hot dogs are synonymous […]
Hot Dog Cart Business
Lemonade And Hot Dogs Together??
Harlon just added lemonade and hot dogs together! He has a lemonade business and has just added hot dogs to his usual menu. Then asked me to send him some critiques and notes to improve his setup. He has a commercial warmer for the hot dogs, name brand condiments and chili, along with his usual […]
Hot Dog Cart Tips From A Pro
Hot dog cart tips directly from a pro are vital if you want to take your hot dog business to the next level. It’s not rocket science and anybody can boil water and produce a delicious hot dog, but you surely need to pay attention to the details. Of course, some of the basics like […]
A few simple steps can prevent most leftovers and waste when out on your hot dog cart. Sometimes its unpreventable – but most of the time you can avoid wasting food. Can you just reheat tomorrow? THE UNAVOIDABLE WASTE I had honed in my zero waste skills and had several carts running with little to […]
For over a decade I’ve kept up-to-date accounting of average hot dog costs with the typical condiments and the disposables. Thanks to Michael Wood of Duggs Doggs – here is the latest hot dog vendor – hot dog costs. WE CALL IT COGS – COST OF GOODS SOLD In my course book: Hot Dogs Saved […]