I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about COVID been hurting hot dog vendors and street food businesses. It has been raining like crazy. So I figured I’d come outside, sit on my porch and answer those questions/concerns. Well, yeah, it’s hurting a lot of businesses. However, it is not hurting hot dog vendors […]
hot dog carts
A Very CHEAP Hot Dog Cart
Why spend $3500 on a commercial cart when you can get a very CHEAP hot dog cart like these for a few hundred bucks? This is a very inexpensive hot dog cart that can be used with some modifications. LET ME EXPLAIN WHERE TO FIND THESE CHEAP HOT DOG CARTS PARAGON CART (click) NOSTALGIA CART […]
I’m a substitute teacher (or was). I worked almost full-time as I waited for a real salaried full-time position to open up. That was until the Coronavirus. I applied for food stamps and was approved. I can’t get unemployment from the school district because I’m not a “real” employee. I’m a sub-contracted educational assistant. I have a friend who is friends with a […]
What If Your Steam Table Is Wrong?
Some hot dog cart manufacturers use the wrong type steam tables for carts. What if your steam table is wrong? DIRECT HEAT STEAM TABLE The easiest way to know if you have a direct heat steam table is if you can put a pan inside it and boil water like you could if it was […]
Commissary At His House [Video]
Meet Mr. & Mrs. Smith – they have a cookie business, a hot dog cart (the Big Dog®) and their commissary is at their home. A real live professional one that they can use to not only meet the State’s requirements but make anything they want, when they want – all for selling to the […]