Ten years ago I wrote about vendors accepting credit cards. Then – I could care less. Near 100% of customers just had cash. Now… it’s not even close. It’s why I must share the best credit card system for hot dog vendors and why you must – at the very least… ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS. 45% […]
Hot Dog Cart Business
Why Marketing Before Hot Dog Cart? [ with VIDEO]
I’m often asked, should I start marketing before getting my hot dog cart? Well, I want to talk to you real quick about when you’re getting started and maybe things are preventing you or limiting you from starting immediately. Let’s say you’ve got three weeks to kill. What do you do with that time? Other […]
Lack Of Savings Kills Your Business, And Life! [VIDEO]
Let’s talk about that white trash rich or redneck rich “lack of savings” disease. That’s when you get that $5 scratch off, you win you 100 bucks, and before that ink is dry on the a hundred dollar bill, you spin it. I mean, you think in nine different ways you could spend 100 bucks. […]
Vendor Complacency Kills Business
I wanted to talk to you about vendor complacency, something that I saw yesterday. Vendors become complacent. They start doing good and then they slowly start to lose that loving feeling. They kind of start pulling back and not doing as good a job as when they started. This one took me by surprise cause […]
Is My Town Too Small For Hot Dog Business? [with VIDEO]
I get that question all the time, is my town too small for hot dog business? People from little towns, and most of America is made up of little towns, they think their town’s too small. And the answer is no.That’s the short answer. Your town is not too small… My Town Is Too Small […]