Can you get $7 for a hot dog? Sure you can. Hot Dog Mike got $1501.00 (not just once either) – He got $1501.00 on several. But I’m talking $7 dollar hot dogs every day – from your cart?! $7 Dollar Hot Dogs – Sounds Cheap When compared to $1501 or the latest craze… $38 […]
hot dog carts
No More Grey (GRAY) Hot Dogs!
That first day I went out and put in my brownish/pinkish hot dogs in the water and they began to boil – I never thought – a few minutes later I’d be pulling out these “been dead awhile” grey hot dogs. Yup! My hot dogs performed a magic trick while they boiled. They turned some […]
I Hate This Hot Dog Cart Business!!
The hot dog cart business gives you great …really great rewards. But we all gotta overcome challenges and go through the learning curve. It happens to us all! After working for the company for 17 years, they sold out. He was just 1 of many who suddenly were jobless. He did have a 401 and […]
How Much Should I Pay For A Location?
When I get asked… how much should I pay for a location – I always say… Nothing! For Real – you should pay nothing. The truth is: you bring value to their customers in their own experience at that location Mom! – Dad stopped to get gear lube at Tractor Supply today. We ate lunch […]
Hot Dog Vendor Starts Today
Yesterday I went live about a vendor that was taking their plunge. I was so excited, a new hot dog vendor starts today. That’s what was in my head as soon as I woke up. If you don’t know by now – I freak’n love this stuff. I watch people go from some of the […]